Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Simply Be a Lutheran

Ephesians 6:10-20

You can often tell the vintage of a congregation by its name.

Lutheran churches that go back a century or more often have names like Zion, Bethlehem, or Trinity.

Congregations founded in the 50s or thereabouts are more likely to have names like Faith, Peace, or Grace Lutheran like ours.

I know this is an awfully broad generalization, but it is only recently you hear of Lutheran congregations being named something like Christ of the Pines or Lord of the Shoreline or some such name.

I am disappointed when the name "Lutheran" is omitted in some recent cases. In fact, I'm downright angry if it is a mission of our Synod.

Lutheran is the thing which clearly distinguishes us whether we are Immanuel Lutheran, St. Steven Lutheran, or Christ the Cornerstone Lutheran-whatever.

Lutheran speaks of the body of those teachings we confess. Lutheran means Christ-centered, sacramental, evangelical in the best sense meaning "of the Gospel" where Christ and Christ alone is our confidence.

Lutheran is professing the solid Biblical doctrine of justification by faith and proclaiming not just the possibility but the certainty of life eternal because it rests on the Son of God alone. What Jesus has done by his life, suffering, death, and resurrection has earned for all of us mercy we could never hope for otherwise.

That's what the Virgin Mary rejoiced in when she sang, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior -- for the Mighty One has done great things for me -- His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation."

By the way, I think it's time someone considered naming a new congregation St. Mary Lutheran Church. Mary believed in Christ alone for her salvation; Mary anticipated with certainty life eternal. She rejoiced in God's undeserved mercy too. We Lutherans stand with her and all the saints in that joy. I think it would be fitting to have a St. Mary Lutheran Church.

Yea, I like it.